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其他题名Preliminary Studies on zinc smelting emission mercury to atmosphere and its effect to the environment in China
关键词 锌精矿 锌冶炼厂 汞污染 释放因子
摘要汞是一种毒性极强的环境污染物。由于汞能在大气中存在并能长距离迁移,因此汞已经被定义为全球性污染物。研究表明有色金属锌的冶炼是大气汞的一个重要的人为汞污染源。西方发达国家在炼锌过程中由于有严格的污染物控制措施,使得这个问题得到有效的控制。由于经济和技术的原因我国大多数锌冶炼企业在冶炼过程中没有进行烟气汞的回收,从而使得我们不能借鉴国外的相关研究成果。我国2005年精锌总产量占到了世界的1/4,是全世界最大的锌锭生产国家,但相关的研究却非常滞后。近年来我国锌冶炼向大气排汞的问题已经引起了国际争议,而且冶炼过程中排放的汞对局部生态系统会产生重要影响,因此锌冶炼过程中释放汞所造成的环境问题已经越来越受到人们的关注和重视。 本研究的目的是通过对不同锌矿山的锌矿石和浮选锌精矿以及冶炼厂不同源锌精矿的研究从而了解我国的矿石汞含量,及矿石浮选过程中汞的分配;通过对冶炼过程向大气排汞的研究,认识锌精矿中汞在锌冶炼过程中的分配,估算不同冶炼方式汞的释放因子。如A、B和C冶炼厂是用不同的工艺来炼锌的,其汞的释放因子也不同。通过对土法炼锌区和工业炼锌区水体、土壤、大气和植物中汞的分布、迁移转化规律的研究,认识锌冶炼对局部生态系统产生的影响。 1.矿石和锌精矿中汞的研究 成因和分类不同的铅锌矿床锌矿石和浮选锌精矿中汞的测定结果表明:凡口矿的矿石和浮选的锌精矿中汞含量比兰坪矿矿石和浮选锌精矿高了2个数量级。凡口矿锌矿石和锌精矿中汞的含量分别是64.5-107 mg∙kg-1,588-602 mg∙kg-1;对应兰坪矿锌矿石和锌精矿中汞的含量分别是0.23~0.40 mg∙kg-1,1.91-3.33 mg∙kg-1。不同冶炼厂不同矿源的锌精矿中汞含量测定结果表明:不同源锌精矿中汞含量在0.10-1100 mg∙kg-1之间,变动范围非常大。而冶炼厂冶炼所用的混合锌精矿中汞含量差别不大,冶炼所用的混和锌精矿汞含量在37-105 mg∙kg-1之间变动。 2.锌精矿中汞在冶炼过程中的分配和汞释放因子的研究 对采用不同炼锌工艺的冶炼厂和有除汞工艺的A、B冶炼厂所用的锌精矿中的汞在冶炼过程分配的质量平衡对比表明,A冶炼厂和B冶炼厂锌精矿中的汞在冶炼过程中的分配显著不同,主要制约因素是是否对烟气中汞进行回收。在烟气到达除汞设备前,A和B冶炼厂在焙砂和尘、酸洗、电除雾等流程对烟气中汞的去除效果相近。不同的是,A厂要进行烟气汞回收,烟气经过汞回收后,50%以上烟气中的汞在这一流程被去除。这使得A、B冶炼厂后续的流程制酸吸收汞和排向大气汞所占的比例有较大的差异。 不同冶炼方式的汞释放因子表明,无任何环保措施的土法炼锌活动的释汞因子为113 g·t-1,不对烟气汞进行回收的B厂和C冶炼厂汞的释放因子分别为49 g·t-1和243 g·t-1,对烟气汞回收的A冶炼厂汞的释放因子为5.7 g·t-1。综合各种不同炼锌方式的汞释放因子及其精锌产量,得出了锌冶炼过程中汞的综合释放因子,从而估算出我国锌冶炼向大气排汞量约61.3-178 t·y-1。 3.锌冶炼对局部生态系统的影响 炼锌区的冶炼废渣是冶炼过程中的主要废弃物,随意堆放的废渣是当地农田土壤的重要汞污染源,大气汞中活性汞和颗粒态汞的沉降也是当地农田土壤另一个汞污染源。土法炼锌区和工业炼锌区土壤分析结果表明,工业炼锌对局部环境的影响更为严重。土壤汞含量对比如下:A冶炼厂周边环境污染土壤汞含量259-2990 μg·kg-1,远高于威宁土法炼锌点污染土壤汞含量72-355 μg·kg-1。威宁土法炼锌点土壤中甲基汞含量的分析表明,在冶炼点附近的土壤中甲基汞绝对含量和甲基汞/总汞的比例都高于其它样点,说明冶炼点附近土壤中汞的甲基化水平提高。A冶炼厂污水处理渣亦没有得到妥善的处理,成为当地潜在的汞污染源。 土法炼锌区水体汞的含量明显受到冶炼渣的影响。工业炼锌过程产生的废水经处理后的水汞含量100%超过国家工业废水排放标准,这些处理后的水的排放是当地重要的汞污染源。A冶炼厂周边稻田水分析表明,溶解态甲基汞占溶解态总汞的的平均比率(5%)远高于一般自然水体(<1%),可能与稻田特殊环境有关。 土法炼锌区大气汞含量测定表明,冶炼点附近大气汞浓度剧增,高达5220 ng·m-3,锌冶炼是当地主要的大气汞污染源。大气汞浓度的提升,是导致农作物玉米叶部位汞含量增高的原因。植物体的地上绿色部分通过叶片吸收大气汞是植物体内汞富集的重要途径之一。 土法炼锌区和工业炼锌区农作物果实中汞含量的测定结果对比如下:A冶炼厂附近稻田产出的部分大米样品中总汞含量已经超过了国家食品限量卫生标准(20 µg·kg-1),所有辣椒中总汞含量全部超出了国家蔬菜卫生限量标准(10 µg·kg-1)。土法炼锌区所取农作物样品未出现果实汞含量超标现象。食用这些汞含量超标的食物将对当地居民带来潜在的危害。
其他摘要Mercury is a global pollutant due to its long residence time in the atmosphere. Zinc smelting is regarded as an important anthropogenic mercury source to the atmosphere. In developed countries, strict pollution-targeted controlling measures are administered during the smelting of zinc so that Hg pollution problem can be effectively controlled. Due to economy and the technology most zinc-smelting corporations in our country do not implement the reclaim of flue gas Hg, we could not use the abroad research results. China is the biggest zinc ingots country around the world. For instance, the zinc production of China account for twenty-five percent of the worlds production in 2005. Although our nation is the biggest zinc ingot producing country, research related to this field lags behind very much. Recently, the fact that our country zinc smelting releases Hg into the atmosphere gives rise to international controversy. Moreover, Hg release during the smelting process poses important threat to local ecosystem. Now people pay more and more attention to the mercury pollution caused by zinc smelting. The first objective of this study is to conduct the case studies on mercury in the zinc ore and zinc concentrate of the different types lead-zinc mine and zinc concentrate of different zinc smelting factories, so as to understand the mercury in zinc ore and zinc concentrate. The second objective of this study is to conduct the case studies on mercury in different products and byproducts, so as to demonstrate the mercury in zinc concentrate distributes in the different steps, e.g. calcine and dust, washing water, wet dust, during the smelting process. Then we can calculate the mercury emission factors to atmosphere using the mass balance. The third objective of this study is to assess the environmental impact and environmental geochemistry of those smelting areas, total Hg and MeHg in soils, plants, and different Hg species in stream-waters in artisanal and industrial zinc smelting area were determined. 1. The study on Hg in zinc ore and zinc concentrate Hg concentrations in zinc ore and zinc concentrate at fankou lead-zinc mine and lanping lead-zinc mine were 64.5-107 mg∙kg-1, 588-602 mg∙kg-1 and 0.23-0.40 mg∙kg-1, 1.91-3.33 mg∙kg-1 respectively. Hg concentration in zinc ore and zinc concentration of fankou lean-zinc mine is 100 times than that of lanping lead-zinc mine. Zinc concentration, came from different mine, in different zinc smelting companies varied 0.10 mg∙kg-1 to 1100 mg∙kg-1. The mixed zinc concentration in different zinc smelting companies ranged from 37 mg∙kg-1 to 105 mg∙kg-1. Zinc-lead ore in different zinc-lead mines have different mercury concentration because the mines belong to different tye of zinc-lead mines and the mines have different geological element concentration. 2. The distribution of the mercury in zinc concentrate in different steps and mercury emission factors during the zinc smelting process A and B smelting factory which adopt different zinc smelting technics and eliminating mercury technics indicat that the mercury in zinc concentrate distributed in different steps during the course of zinc smelting, however main restrictive factor is whether reclaim the mercury in the flue gas or not. Before the flue gas reach the mercury removal equipment, mercury control technology for zinc mine, removal efficiency in these steps, e.g. calcine and dust, water washing, wet dust, between A and B zinc smelting factories is similar. After the flue gas pass the equipment more than half of the mercury is eliminated in A zinc smelting factory. It is result to distinct difference of A and B zinc smelting factory between the mercury which is absorbed by acid and the mercury which is emitted to atmosphere. The Hg emission factors are 113 g Hg t-1 zinc, 49 g Hg t-1 zinc, 243 g Hg t-1 and 5.7 g Hg t-1 zinc along artisanal zinc smelting process without any environmental protection measures, B and C zinc smelting factories without mercury removal equipment and A zinc smelting factory with mercury removal equipment during the smelting process. Take into account all kinks of Hg emission factors and the zinc production came from different methods, we estimated that 61.3-177.5 t mercury emitted to atmosphere during the zinc smelting process each yeah. 3. Mercury pollution to the ecosystem caused by zinc smelting Two factors affect the Hg concentration in agricultural soil. One is mercury in waste calcines, the other is the deposition of the reactive Hg and particulate Hg at ambient air. Hg concentrations in agricultural soil are 72-355 μg·kg-1 and 259-2990 μg·kg-1 in atisanal zinc smelting area and industrial zinc smelting area, respectively. The results indicate that mercury pollution to environment caused by industrial zinc smelting is more severe than that caused by artisanal zinc smelting. The degree of methylation became worse due to the higher MeHg and higher rate between MeHg and THgin in soil neaby the smelting sits in Weining County. Sludge with high Hg concentrations, produced by sewage treatment in industrial zinc smelting factories, is the potential mercury sources to the local environment. Similar to the results for Hg in soils, surface waters are heavily impacted by zinc smelting activities in Weining County. Discharging the treated waste water, which has high Hg concentrations, is the mercury sources to local rivers. The rate between dissolved MeHg and dissolved THg in paddy water is higher than that in normal water. This implies that the paddy conditions may be favorable for methylation in paddy water. Atmospheric Hg concentrations in artisanal zinc smelting areas are strongly correlated with zinc smelting activities. Total gaseous Hg concentration near the zinc smelting workshop is 5220 ng∙m-3, significantly elevated. There is a positive relationship between Hg concentrations in corn leaves tissue and the total gaseous Hg concentrations in the ambient air, indicating that the mercury in foliage tissue originated from the atmosphere. Uptake of atmospheric Hg by leaves is the predominant pathway for corn plant to accumulate Hg. Agricultural rice and vegetables collected from industrial zinc smelting area present highly elevated total Hg concentrations when compared to corn collected from artisanal zinc smelting area. In artisanal zinc smelting area, Hg concentration in all corn grain tissue is lower than the national guidance limit for foodstuff of China that is 20 μg kg-1, however in industrial zinc smelting area Hg concentration in some rice exceed the maximum Hg concentration recommended by the Chinese National Standard Agency for food sources, and total Hg concentrations in all capsicum exceed the National Standard of 10 µg·kg-1 for edible vegetations. This will give rise to potential danger to local people when people eat the contaminated food and vegetation.
GB/T 7714
李广辉. 中国炼锌向大气排汞及其环境影响的初步研究[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2007.
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