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其他题名The surface texture and fission track dating of authigenic quartz grains of weathering crusts of carbonate rocks in Guizhou province and its significations
关键词贵州 碳酸盐岩 风化壳 物源 石英 裂变径迹 年代学
摘要我国西南地区分布有广阔的亚热带潮湿区岩溶,以贵州为中心,总面积达50万km2,是世界上连片分布面积最大的岩溶区。贵州高原地处青藏高原东南缘,云贵高原的东翼,是中国大陆“西高东低”地貌格局中重要的过渡区段,对其新生代地质、地貌演化进行研究无疑具有重要的意义,不仅是对贵州薄弱的新生代地质、地貌研究的补充,而且可以直接通过夷平面展开与青藏高原的对比,探讨青藏高原隆升对贵州高原的直接影响。风化壳作为夷平面的组成部分,在过去没有引起足够的重视,但随着成功实例的不断出现,人们逐渐开始认识到风化壳是夷平面识别和重建的重要依据,也是夷平面环境信息的重要载体。贵州作为碳酸盐岩集中分布区,碳酸盐岩风化壳剖面广泛存在,尤其在黔中、黔北等地区各级夷平面上均发育有红色风化壳,利用碳酸盐岩红色风化壳能为夷平面的识别和形成时代的确立提供可靠的证据,特别是风化壳形成年龄的确定对夷平面时标的建立更具有积极意义。有关贵州地区红色风化壳形成时代的确定,多年来已有一些学者对此展开了研究,但贵州红色风化壳形成时代的确定存在着很大争论。虽然存在其它原因的可能性,但造成这种争论的根本原因在于贵州红色风化壳形成时代是依据其它资料(如夷平面、气候事件等)推断出来的,而不是根据直接测年数据界定的。因此,风化壳直接测年才是解决问题的关键。 本文在前人工作研究的基础之上,利用扫描电镜手段对贵州碳酸盐岩地区上覆风化壳土层中的石英颗粒进行观察、统计、分析,为风化壳成土的物质来源寻找新的证据;同时,经地球化学分析、测试等手段,判断风化壳土层中的晶体石英颗粒为风化壳形成初期的新生矿物——次生石英颗粒,并利用裂变径迹测年法对这种次生石英颗粒进行测年,最终探讨贵州碳酸盐岩地区上覆风化壳土层的形成年代。主要取得了以下几点认识: 一、石英颗粒蚀刻条件的优选 由于石英颗粒裂变径迹的长度和数量与晶格、铀含量、年龄等因素有关,所以不同地区的石英颗粒样品的裂变径迹蚀刻条件也存在差别;目前国际上有关石英颗粒的裂变径迹测年应用的实例较少,还没有统一的有关石英颗粒蚀刻条件的国际标准;现有的石英颗粒蚀刻条件有多种,但是缺乏对这些方法的优缺点进行对比评价。因此,我们要进行反复的条件实验,对比不同石英蚀刻剂的蚀刻效率,找寻适合石英颗粒的最佳蚀刻剂。实验结果表明,40%的HF溶液为最佳蚀刻剂,最佳蚀刻时间:温度在4℃左右(冬季)时为40min;温度在29℃左右(夏季)时为30min。 二、石英的外形、表面机械作用特征及其指示意义 我们利用扫描电镜对石英颗粒外形特征进行观察、统计、分析,结果表明本次研究的石英颗粒形态类型主要有两种:棱状-次棱状石英颗粒以及圆状、次圆状石英颗粒,其中棱状-次棱状石英颗粒包含了一部分晶体形态较为完整的石英颗粒。 根据石英颗粒表面机械作用特征分析结果,结合剖面区域地质特征,可初步判断剖面中的石英颗粒有三种物质来源:碳酸盐岩中的原生碎屑石英,有长时间长距离搬运特征;燧石团块石英,有短距离搬运或原位沉积特征;晶形较完整的次生石英,无搬运特征。三种石英均具有原位特征,前两种类型的石英是直接对基岩的继承,第三种类型的石英是风化壳剖面的次生矿物。 三、石英颗粒表面的化学作用特征及其风化强度指示意义 我们通过对石英颗粒表面化学作用形态的观察,发现大兴剖面、新蒲剖面和官坝剖面的石英颗粒表面化学溶解作用和化学沉淀作用都非常强烈,这表明三个剖面均处于湿、热环境中,均处于强烈的化学风化阶段。而且大兴剖面中石英颗粒表面的化学作用最强烈,气候较其他两个剖面更湿热,剖面的风化强度也最大,即各剖面的风化强度由强到弱排序为:大兴、新蒲、官坝。这一结果与矿物组成分析、化学风化强度、硅铝、铝铁硅风化系数比以及相对风化强度等的地球化学分析指标相一致,这也再次证明了我们采用石英颗粒表面形态特征分析手段的可行性和可靠性。 四、石英颗粒的裂变径迹年龄 三种类型石英颗粒的裂变径迹测年数据表明:a、同一样点石英颗粒裂变径年龄呈现一定的规律:F.T.AGE圆状、次圆状>F.T.AGE不规则状(棱状、次棱状)>F.T.AGE标准晶形(次生石英)。b、不同剖面的不规则状石英颗粒形成于同一个时期;不同剖面的圆状、次圆状石英颗粒形成于同一个时期。这两种石英颗粒不适于贵州碳酸盐岩风化壳的测年研究。c、不同剖面的标准晶形石英颗粒形成于不同时期,形成于碳酸盐岩酸不溶物原地堆积过程中,即与风化壳剖面同期形成,可用于贵州碳酸盐岩风化壳的测年研究。这一测量结果与我们对石英颗粒表面形态特征的观察、统计、分析结果相一致。 五、风化壳物源的新证据 贵州碳酸盐岩风化壳中的石英颗粒表面形态的分析结果表明,贵州碳酸盐岩风化壳的物质来源于碳酸盐岩中酸不溶物原地风化残积的产物,与其下伏基岩有着明显的继承性。这一分析结果与王世杰等人的碳酸盐岩酸不溶物的提取实验、地球化学、矿物学、粒度特征及区域地质背景等多方面的分析结果相一致,为贵州碳酸盐岩风化壳的物质来源及成因提供新的、更细致的证据。 六、贵州晚新生代地质-环境研究历史轮廓初建 由于目前对贵州及周边地区的风化-气候研究相对缺乏,数据资料较稀少,还没有形成完整的系统,我们本次研究也是建立在对风化壳中次生英颗粒年代学研究的基础上,研究还不是很透彻,因此只能对地质-环境研究历史轮廓进行初建。本文根据本次研究剖面土层中晶体次生石英颗粒的裂变径迹年龄分布情况,结合前人已有资料,对贵州25Ma以来的地质-环境演化历史的轮廓进行初建。从次生石英裂变径迹年龄值来看,中新世以来贵州主要经历了如下构造-风化期:25-19Ma、16-13Ma、10-6.5Ma、5-2Ma、1.7-1Ma。
其他摘要The subtropical karst in southwest of China covers 500,000 km2.Guizhou province, as the center, has largest continuous the karst area in the world. Guizhou province, the important zone of west-high and east-low of Chinese topography is located in the southeast of Tibet Plateau and the east of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. This resurch not only give enough useful apply of Cenozoic geology and landform of Guizhou Plateau but also give the information of the direct effect on Guizhou Plateau by the rise of Tibet Plateau. Weathering crusts as the important component of planation surface haven’t been pay more attentation in the past time. As more and more successful cases continuously appearing, it is gradually beginning to be realized that weathering crusts are not only the impotant evidence of identifying and rebuilding planation surface, but also the crucial carrier of environmental information about planation surface. Guizhou province as the central of the karst area, weathering crusts profiles of carbonate rocks are broadly distributed here, especially in the center and north of Guizhou, all red weathering crusts developed on the planation surface of each rank. Weathering crusts of carbonate rocks could provide reliable evidence of identifying planation surface and determining the formation age. Especially, determining the formation age of weathering crusts has the positive significance to the establishment of time scale of planation surface. Many scholars have researched a lot on determining the formation age of red weathering crusts, but there exists a lot of controversy about how to determine the formation age of red weathering crusts in Guizhou area .Although there are possibility of other reasons, the essential reason causing this kind of controversy lies in that the formation age of red weathering crusts is not obtained according to direct dating datum but speculated by other materials(such as planation surface, climatic cases etc.) .Therefore, direct dating of weathering crusts is just a crucial key to solve these questions. Depending on former research we use SEM scanning system to analyze the surface texture of quartz grains of red weathering crusts and obtain new evidences about the origin of weathering crusts overlying carbonate rocks. We also find and separate authigenic quartz grains from the weathering crusts by the study of geochemical and mineral analysis techniques. So we use F.T. dating to date the age of authigenic quartz grains and finally study the formation eras of weathering crusts overlying carbonate rocks in the area of Guizhou province. Some significant innovations have been obtained. (1) The optimal selection of quartz grains etched conditions The length and quantity of quartz grains’ fission track are related to the quartz grains’ crystal framework, the content of Uranium, and the age and etc; so different kinds of quartz grains have different optimal etched conditions. At present, there is not uniform international standard about etched conditions of quartz grains because of the application cases about quartz grains’ F.T. dating are less. Although many kinds of etchants that can be used it is lacking of comparison and evaluation of advantages and disadvantages among these etchants. Thus we need to compare etching efficiency among all kinds of etchants to select the best one. The results show that the 40% HF is the best etchant that is easily control and highly security. The optimal time of 40%HF etching takes 40min in the winter (about 4℃) and 30min in the summer (about 29℃). (2) The shape and surface mechanical texture of quartz grains SEM analysis show that there are tow kinds shape of quartz grains: the angular and angular-liked quartz grains、the round and round-liked quartz grains. In the angular and angular-liked quartz grains there are some crystal quartz grains. SEM analysis show three kinds origins of quartz grains by the surface mechanical texture and related geological imformation. First, the original detritus quartz grains of carbonate rocks have the shape of round and round-liked. Second, the chert piece quartz grains that take on the fresh surfaces with uneven shape of angular and angular-liked. Third, crystal quartz grains with the shape of angular and sharp edges and better crystal that have the secondary micro-crystal on the surface of quartz grains. These results indicate that three kinds of quartz grains all have the characteristics of carbonate rock. The first and the second kinds of quartz grains direct inherit from the indiscerptible residues of carbonate rocks. The third one is the authigenic quartz grains in the weathering crusts of carbonate rocks. This results obtain the new evidence distinguishing the origin of the weathering crusts and inherited relationship with underlying carbonate rocks in Guizhou Province. (3) The surface chemical texture of quartz grains and the weathering intensity SEM analysis show that Daxing and Xinpu and Guanba three profiles’ chemical dissolution and deposition are all very strong,which demonstrates three profiles are all in the humid and hot environment and all at the period of strong weathering. Daxing profile is the strongest weathering one. The sequence of weathering from strong to weak is Daxing, Xinpu, Guanba. This sequence of weathering is consistent with the analytic result of mineral, geochemistry, Si-Al ratio, Al-Si-Fe ratio, and relative weathering intensity. This result also testifies the feasibility and dependability of SEM analysis of quartz grains. (4) The F.T.ages of quartz grains The dating results of these three kinds of quartz grains show different kinds of quartz grains have different ages. The F.T. age of round and round-liked quartz grains is older than the F.T. age of angular and angular-liked quartz grains that is older than the F.T. age of crystal quartz grains. The F.T. age of round and round-liked quartz grains of different profiles form in the same era. The F.T. age of angular and angular-liked quartz grains of different profiles form in the same era. These tow kinds of quartz grains are not suitable to the dating of weathering crusts. The crystal quartz grains of different profiles and deepth form in different eras. That kind of quartz grains form at the beginning of weathering process has the same age with weathering crusts. The result is consistency with the result of SEM analysis. (5) The new evidences about the origin of weathering crusts The surface texture analysis of quartz grains formation show the origin of weathering crusts is the indiscerptible residues of carbonate rocks, and an obvious inherited relationship with the weathering crusts of carbonate rocks. This analytic result shows the consistency with the result of distilling the indiscerptible residues of carbonate rocks, geochemical technique, mineral technique, grain size analysis and geology made by Wang Shi-Jie et al. So we obtain the new and detailed evidences about the origin of weathering crusts overlying carbonate rocks. (6) The initial building of the history of Cenozoic geology-environment evolvement Guizhou province At present, in view of relatively lacking of study of weathering-climate period for Guizhou and peripheral regions, less datum information, and disintegrated system, we only can build the initial weathering-climate period sequence of Guizhou Cenozoic now because the study that is on the base of authigenic quartz grains’ F.T. dating study isn’t intensive. According to the study for distributing F.T age of authigenic quartz grains in profile soil and the study results of predecessors, we simply and rudimentally rebuild the history of Cenozoic geology-environment evolvement Guizhou province since 25Ma. There are sever conformation-weathering periods after the Miocene epoch: 25-19Ma、16-13Ma、10-6.5Ma、5-2Ma、1.7-1Ma.
GB/T 7714
刘春茹. 贵州碳酸盐岩风化壳次生石英表面结构、裂变径迹测年及其指示意义[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2007.
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