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其他题名The characterization and analysis of soil degradation
关键词喀斯特石漠化 土壤理化性质特征 土壤剖面 土壤——植被系统 土壤退化 坡位 非喀斯特对比
摘要喀斯特石漠化问题是贵州省乃至整个西南地区最大的生态环境问题,对当地的经济发展和人类生存造成极大障碍,虽然石漠化问题日益受到重视,但生态建设超前、基础研究落后却是不争的事实。石漠化过程中土壤性质变化、人为干扰方式对土壤质量的影响、土壤——植被系统的关联退化是石漠化研究中非常重要的基础理论,可作为石漠化等级划分的参考,也是石漠化治理及生态恢复的重要依据。本文以王家寨小流域为研究区域,对喀斯特石漠化过程中土壤、植被的退化进行定量分析研究,以找出石漠化过程中土壤质量演变的规律以及人为干扰对其产生的影响,初步探讨了土壤——植被系统的退化特征及其协变关系,分析了坡位等流域内部影响因素对土壤质量退化的影响,并采用土壤退化指数对其进行评价,取得了以下几点认识: (1)研究区内土壤基本特征为:土层浅薄,剖面层次分化不明显,土壤呈中性至微碱性反应,CEC及盐基饱和度较高,有机质、氮素含量丰富,C/N较低,供氮潜力高,土壤营养元素较为丰富,但P、K、Na相对不足。 (2)石漠化过程中,土壤容重变大,孔隙度降低,土壤质地粘重,水稳性大团聚体减少,小团聚体相对增加;土壤有机质流失,全N含量降低,土壤中易于移动的营养元素,如P、K、Na、Ca、Mg等含量随石漠化程度加深而降低,难于移动的元素,如Fe、Mn、Cu等则表现出增加的趋势,土壤pH及CEC也基本呈降低趋势,土壤养分有效性降低,各元素有效态含量均下降,仅有效Mn例外。 (3)土壤剖面构型多为A—D,A—C型,也有少数已形成较为明显的心土层。土体A层营养状况相对较好。石漠化过程中,粘粒含量增加,尤其在土体中下部聚集更为明显,地球化学性质相对活跃的元素在土壤上、下层含量均降低,流失量上层大于下层,而相对较稳定的元素聚集量下层大于上层,土壤表层CEC降低,下层升高,有效Mn含量增加,有效铁含量仅在土壤下层增加,其他元素均降低。 (4)石漠化过程中土壤理化性质恶化与植被退化相互促进、互为因果,形成一种相互反馈的恶性循环。随石漠化程度加深,植被演替趋势为乔→草灌→灌草→稀疏灌草,其特征主要表现为:植被覆盖度较低,群落结构简单,富N、Ca、Mg,缺P、K、Na。通过对比及相关性分析,得出植物生长的主要限制因子为P、K、Na、Mn、Zn。 (5)石漠化经过一定时期发展,地势较平坦的区域易形成黄色石灰土,其理化性质介于石灰土与黄壤之间,随石漠化发展土壤性质的变化规律也更为明显;而地势陡峭,地形崎岖的区域则易在负地形中残留土壤形成年轻的黑色石灰土,其理化性质较好,剖面没有黄色石灰土分化明显,土壤性质也差异极大,因而在石漠化等级划分及综合治理上应予以区分,不应一概而论。 (6)筛选出土壤退让评价指标并赋予权重,主要包括平均土厚、有机质、全氮、pH、CEC、容重、密度、颗粒组成、水稳性团聚体、全磷、全钠、全钙、全镁、全铜、碱解氮、速效钾、有效铁、有效铜、有效锌等。评价结果显示土壤退化与石漠化发展具有同步性,其中化学性质的退化较物理性质明显,仅石漠化初期表现出相对较强的物理性质退化。轻度至中度是土壤退化最敏感的阶段,退化最为强烈,应予以重点防治。 (7)不同的人为干扰方式对土壤质量产生的影响不同,开垦和放牧作用下的土壤较为粘重,容重、密度都较樵采作用下的土壤大。通过退化评价指数可知,开垦和放牧影响下的土壤退化最为严重,主要表现为开垦、放牧后土壤养分的大量消耗和流失,土壤化学性质的变异引起土壤质量强烈恶化,而樵采和火烧则在一定程度上通过改善土壤的化学性质使退化延缓,因而土壤质量相对较好。 (8)小流域的研究方法虽然可以排除各种外在因素影响,但却无法排除流域内的影响因素,如坡位、坡度、坡向、坡形等。研究结果显示坡位对土壤密度、容积含水率、气相率、水稳性团聚体、C/N、元素全量及有效态含量都有一定影响。土壤退化指数显示土壤退化程度上坡>中坡>下坡。
其他摘要The Karst Rocky Desertification was the biggest ecological environment problem in Guizhou Province and even the entire southwest, and it created the enormous barrier to the local economical development and the human survival. It has been attached more and more importance in recent years, but the austere facts were the overtaking of ecology construction and the lagging of basic researches. In the process of Rocky Desertification the change of soil quality, the anthropogenic disturbing ways, and the connected degeneration of the soil—vegetation system are the extremely important basic theory in the rocky desertification research. It can be used as the reference for Classification of rocky desertification, and it is also the important basic theory which is used to controlling the rocky desertification process and restoring the ecology environment. This paper made quantitative analysis of the roles of soil and vegetation degradation in the process of rocky desertification, in order to find the evolvement rule of the soil quality, and the influence of the anthropogenic disturbing ways, then discussed the degenerated characteristic of soil—vegetation system and the covariant relations, analyzed the changes of soil quality by the basin internal factor such as slope position, and used the soil degeneration index to carry on the appraisal to it. The following conclusions were drawn from the analysis: (1) The soil in the studied area were featured as following: shallow, profile level was not obvious, neutrality to slightly alkalescency. CEC and BS% values was high, and OM and total N was also rich. C/N was low, but N supply potential was high, the soil nutritive elements were rich, but P, K and Na content were relative insufficiency. (2) In the process of rocky desertification, the density of soil increased, so the porosity reduced. The big water-stable aggregate reduced, then the small aggregate relatively increased; OM drained, and the total N content reduced. Some nutritive elements which is easy to move in the soil reduced in the process of rocky desertification, such as P, K, Na, Ca, Mg and so on, and the element which is difficult to move displayed increasing, such as Fe, Mn, Cu and so on. Its pH and CEC values also showed a declining trend. The soil nutrient availability reduced, each effective state of element content dropped, only effective Mn was exceptive. (3) The most soil profile was A-D or A-C, but there are a few has been apparent heart soil. The A layer of soil have been relative good nutrition condition. In the process of rocky desertification, the clay content increased, particularly gathered on the bottom of soil more obviously. The geochemistry character relatively active elements content reduced, the outflow quantity in the soil upper formation was larger than the bottom, but the stable element accumulation quantity on the bottom was larger than the upper formation. CEC value was lower on the surface of the soil and higher on the bottom. Only the effective Mn, Fe content increased in soil, and the other elements reduced. (4) In the process of rocky desertification, the physical and chemical properties of soil deterioration and degradation of vegetation reinforced each other, and forming a kind of mutual feedback of a vicious cycle. With the deepening Desertification, the vegetation succession was arbor → shrub → grass → sparse grass, its characterized mainly is as follows: low vegetation cover, the community structure was simple, N, Ca, Mg was rich, P, K, Na was deficient. By comparing and correlation analysis, plant growth reached the main limiting factor for P, K, Na, Mn, Zn. (5) After a certain period of rocky desertification development, relatively flat topography of the region was easy to become yellow lime soil, its physical and chemical properties were between yellow and lime soil, the law of changing nature of the soil was even more obvious with rocky desertification development; the steep and rugged terrain of the region soil was easy to remain in the negative terrain, then formed the young black calcareous soil. Its physical and chemical properties were better, profile level were not more obvious than the yellow lime soil. So it should be distinguished in rocky desertification grading and comprehensive management (6) We have already selected soil degradation evaluation index and given it weight, including the average thick of soil, OM, total N, pH, CEC, density, particle composition, water-stable aggregates, total P, Na, Ca, Mg, and Cu, alkali solution of nitrogen, effective potassium, iron, copper and zinc. Evaluation results showed that soil degradation and rocky desertification were synchronous development. The chemical nature of the degradation was even more obvious than the physical properties. It showed the relative strength of the physical nature degradation only on rocky desertification initially. Mild to moderate was the most sensitive stage of soil degradation, and degradation was the most strong, so it should be focused on prevention. (7) Different human disturbance on soil quality was different. The deteriorating soil caused by and grazing was more stick, and its bulk density, density was larger than cutting soil. Degradation evaluation index indicated that the soil degradation under the influence of cultivation and grazing have been the most serious. The main reason was that the nutrient of the cultivation and Grazing soil depleted, then the changing of the chemical properties caused strong deterioration of soil quality. According to improving the chemical properties of the soil, the deterioration of cutting and burning soil would be slow down, thus soil quality was relatively good. (8) Although the study may exclude various external factors, it was impossible to exclude the impact in the basin, such as slope position, slope aspect, slope shape and so on. The results showed that the slope position was an important impact factor for soil density, volumetric water content, gas rate, water-stable aggregates, C/N, total content of each elements and the content of its effective state. The soil degradation index indicated that soil degradation degree was uphill > the middle of the hill > downhill.
GB/T 7714
余海. 喀斯特丘原区石漠化过程中土壤退化的表征与分析——以清镇王家寨小流域为例[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2007.
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