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其他题名The Geochemistry of Organic and Inorganic Acids in Precipitation in Zunyi City, Guizhou Province
关键词羧酸 亨利定律 热力学 离子色谱 因子分析 气流轨迹
摘要正确认识降水中的化学组分是评价酸雨和大气环境质量的重要途径,降水中低分子有机酸的研究是认识C、H、O等元素生物地球化学循环和酸雨成因的重要内容。贵州省遵义市作为我国酸雨高发地区,是降水化学组成尤其是低分子有机酸地球化学循环研究的典型区域。我们在遵义市进行了为期一年(2006年5月~2007年4月)的降水采集(共76个样品),对pH值、电导率和主要的阴离子(包括有机和无机)、阳离子进行了测定,并进行了分析和讨论。 (1) pH和电导率的雨量加权平均值分别为4.11(范围:2.30~ 6.04)和62.10 μs•cm-1 (范围:6.60 ~ 1630.00 μs•cm-1),酸雨频率高达93.2%,pH存在着显著的季节变化,其中冬季pH值最低,表明遵义市酸雨污染较为严重,冬季为最。 (2) 遵义市监测期间离子浓度的大小顺序为SO42-> Ca2+> H+> NH4+> NO3-> Cl-> F->HCOO-> Mg2+> K+> CH3COO-> Na+> (COO)22-> PO43-> NO2-,其中SO42-、Ca2+、H+、NH4+、NO3-是最主要离子,浓度分别为148.15 μmol•L-1、81.89 μmol•L-1、77.74 μmol•L-1、43.80 μmol•L-1和31.50μmol•L-1,它们分别占离子总量的31.97%、17.67%、16.78%、9.45%和6.54%;遵义市大气降水中主要的致酸物质是SO42-和NO3-,主要的缓冲物质是Ca2+和NH4+,大气污染类型属硫酸钙型。相对酸度和中和因子结果表明降水中仅有77%的降水酸度被碱性物质(以Ca2+和NH4+为主)中和;因子分析中H+、NO3-、nss-SO42-(非海源性硫酸根)、NH4+归为一组,再次表明SO42-和NO3-对降水酸度的重要贡献。富集系数和源的贡献分析表明,SO42-和NO3-主要来自人为活动的贡献,SO42-来源主要包括工业、民用的燃煤燃烧释放的SO2,NO3-主要是遵义市电厂和其它工厂向大气中排放的NOx的化学转化而成。Ca2+主要来自于遵义市的土壤及水泥厂等的排放;Mg2+主要来自陆源输入,部分来自海水的贡献。氮肥生产、大面积农田化肥的使用以及生物排放源很可能是该地区降水中NH4+的主要污染源。值得注意的是,作为海盐性离子的Cl-,在遵义市降水中重要的部分还是人为活动,主要是遵义工厂(如碱厂和钛厂)向大气中排放的HCl和Cl2转化而成。无机离子浓度的季节变化表明,对于遵义市,需要逐步改变能源结构尤其是冬季工业、居民燃煤的使用,才能有效地改善遵义市当前的环境污染。 (3) 遵义市降水中含量较高的常见有机酸是[HCOO-]T、[CH3COO-]T和[(COO)22-]T,它们的雨量加权平均值各为9.29 μmol•L -1、6.47 μmol•L-1和5.06 μmol•L-1;遵义市区降水中有机酸总浓度为22.28 μmol•L-1,占阴离子总量的9.39 %;遵义市降水中四季的有机酸浓度由高到低分别为:春季>冬季>秋季>夏季。以上结果表明,遵义市的有机酸是降水中的重要组成部分,其浓度存在明显的季节性变化。在一次降雨事件中,有机酸的浓度一般随降雨时间的延长而降低,但在降雨中后期有时会出现上升的现象,表明有机酸主要来自云下淋滤作用,少数情况下来自大气远距离的传输。 (4) 相关性分析发现甲酸和乙酸具有强烈的正相关(r= 0.86),表明甲酸和乙酸具有共同的来源。有机酸与降水中的主要无机离子NO3-、nss-SO42-、K+、Na+、Ca2+等存在着中度相关,表明有机酸的来源与人为活动有着重要的关系。应用气液平衡的原理,提出了降水中甲酸、乙酸比值(F/A)aq的有机酸来源判定方法。发现遵义降水中的有机酸春季和冬季主要来自人类活动的释放,其中春季主要来自遵义市南郊的工业污染,由南方水汽(占春季总量的54%)将其污染物传输至遵义市中心城区,冬季主要是大量燃煤的燃烧释放;夏季和秋季则主要来自植物的释放,其中秋季中的部分有机酸也受到华中和华东地区(其气团占秋季总量的45%)的远距离影响。而遵义市区的山间盆地地形、高湿度、高静风率和低风速、以尘埃为主的大气污染物和有机酸的短生命周期(几小时~几天)为有机酸来源于当地创造了有利条件。 (5) 根据热力学平衡计算新方法,发现遵义市pH≤5的降水中甲酸和乙酸对自由酸度的贡献分别为14.79% (范围:0.42~91.14%)、3.66% (范围:0.02~31.55%)。对比显示,遵义市的有机酸贡献量低于边远地区,主要由于遵义市降水的低pH值和高无机酸度所致。在春、夏、秋、冬季节,降水中的有机酸对自由酸度的平均贡献值分别为31.95%、26.16%、8.02%、11.17%,表明有机酸酸度有着明显的季节性差异,春季有机酸的高贡献量主要受降水中的有机酸高含量、低水温和高pH值的共同作用,夏季受高pH值的影响,而秋季和冬季的低贡献量主要受降水的低pH值所控制。 (6) 在遵义市的沉降通量中,无机离子的湿沉降通量占所有离子湿沉降总量的94%,并存在明显的季节性变化。SO42-、Ca2+、H+、NH4+、NO3-为最主要的贡献者,分别为90.1、49.8、47.3、26.0和19.2 mmol•m-2•yr-1。对比显示,SO42-、Ca2+、H+的沉降量均属于我国的高值区,而NO3-的沉降量属于我国中值区,NH4+的沉降量属我国低值水平。营养元素总无机氮TIN(TIN= NH4+ -N+ NO3- -N+ NO2- -N)的湿沉降总量为45.7 mmol•m-2•yr-1,其中NH4+和NO3-分别占TIN的57.0%和41.9%,遵义地区高TIN值当地氮肥的施用量和工业NOx的释放量密不可分;营养元素P的沉降量为1.97 mmol•m-2•yr-1,由于P的来源较少,促使P的湿沉降通量较低。有机酸占湿沉降总量的6%,其四季的湿沉降量顺序由高到低依次为:春>秋>冬>夏,这是有机离子的浓度和四季的降雨量共同作用的结果。根据气液平衡理论可知,挥发性有机酸(HCOO-、CH3COO-和CH3CH2COO-)的干沉降量占总沉降量的47.2%,表明遵义市有机酸沉降方式包括干湿沉降两种。因此在研究遵义市的污染物尤其是有机酸类对生态系统和城市建设的影响时,有必要同时收集气样和水样。
其他摘要Study on the composition of precipitation is the key approach to assess air quality and acid precipitation pollution. Studies on the low-molecular carboxylic acids help shed light on the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, as well as on the formation of acid precipitation. As a city with severe acid precipitation, the city Zunyi in northern Guizhou, provides a typical background for gaining insight into the organic geochemistry in the heavily polluted atmospheric environment. We collected 76 precipitation samples in the downtown city for a whole year (May 2006~ April 2007) on the event basis, and measured inorganic and organic anions with ion chromatograph and cations with atomic absorption spectrum. (1) The annual average pH and electrical conductivity of precipitation were 4.11 with frequency of 93.2% and 62.10 μs•cm-1 respectively, a clear indication of the acid atmosphere. (2) The concentrations in the precipitation of Zunyi showed in this order: SO42-> Ca2+> H+> NH4+> NO3-> Cl-> F->HCOO-> Mg2+> K+> CH3COO-> Na+> (COO)22-> PO43-> NO2-. SO42-, Ca2+, H+, NH4+ and NO3- are the main constituents. Their concentrations were 148.15 μmol•L-1, 81.89 μmol•L-1, 77.74 μmol•L-1, 43.80 μmol•L-1and 31.50 μmol•L-1, accounting for 31.97%, 17.67%, 16.78%, 9.45% and 6.54% of the total anions respectively. It demonstrates SO42- and NO3- are important contributors of acidity. Ca2+ and NH4+ buffer the precipitation acidity. The pollution of precipitation in Zunyi belongs to calcium sulfate type. Fractional acidity and neutralization factor showed that only 77% of precipitation acidity was neutralized by alkaline, especially Ca2+ and NH4+. Factor analysis demonstrated the high loadings of H+, NO3-, nss-SO42- and NH4+, suggesting the importance of SO42- and NO3- to acidity. Enrichment factor showed the sources of inorganic ions. Burning coal used by human activity is responsible for the sources of SO42-, while soil and lime dust claim the sources of Ca2+. NO3- mainly originated from the NOx emitted by factories. Mg2+ is mainly from terrestrial input with limited amount from marine. NH4+ has several sources such as nitrogen fertilizer production and consumption, and biological emission in Zunyi. As the typical sea-salt species, Cl- in precipitation of Zunyi is primarily contributed by anthropogenic sources including the emission of HCl和Cl2 from plants. Those resultes showed the government in Zunyi should change the energy structure in Zunyi, especially in the Winter, to control the burning coal and improve the environment. (3) Formic (HCOOH), acetic (CH3COOH), and oxalic ((HCOO)2) acids are ubiquitous in precipitation of Zunyi with volume weighted average (VWA) concentration of 9.29 μmol•l-1, 6.47 μmol•l-1 and 5.06 μmol•L-1 respectively. The total concentration of organic acids was 22.28 μmol•L-1, accounting for 9.39 % of the total anions. It demostrates organic acids are important in precipitation. The concentration of organic acids in seasons followed in the order: Spring> Winter> Autumn> Summer, showing a seasonality. Furthermore, the acids often decrease with time in a precipitation event, with occasional increases in the middle and last stages, indicating that organic acids are primarily scavenged from blow cloud, with limited amount from the long distance transportation. (4) With the high coefficient of 0.86, formic is significantly correlated with acetic acid, suggesting that both acids share common sources. Correlation analysis showed median correlationship between organic and NO3-, nss-SO42-, K+, Na+, Ca2+, indicating human activities sources of organic acids. Based on the Henry’s Law, we proposed the ratio of formic and acetic acids in the precipitation (F/A)aq as the indicator of the sources, and thus found that the anthropogenic sources are responsible for the organic compounds in the Spring and Winter, while vegetation emissions claim the sources in the Summer and Autumn. This close range provenance of organic acids is facilitated by the local environmental condition, which is characterized by the mountain-enclosed valley with high humidity, low wind speed, and high atmospheric dust content and organic acid with short lifetime in atmosphere. The long distance transportation is induced by air mass. (5) Based on the thermodynamic equilibrium calculation method, the contributions of formic and acetic acids to free acidity in samples with pH≤5 were 14.79% (ranged 0.42~91.14%) and 3.66% (0.02~31.55%), respectively. Those values, lower than that in remote regions, are attributed to low pH value and high inorganic acidity. Organic contributions in seasons followed in the order: Spring (31.95%) > Summer (26.16%) > Winter (11.17%) > Autumn (8.02%). This seasonality indicates the importance of organic to precipitation acidity. The highest organic contribution in the Spring is influenced by abundant organic acids, low temperature and high pH value. The second was that in the Summer due to the high pH value. The contributions in the Autumn and Winter were lowest because of the low pH in precipitation. (6) The annual flux of wet deposition for inorganic acids accounted for 94% of the total wet deposition, with a significant seasonality. The main contributors are SO42-, Ca2+, H+, NH4+, NO3-, with 90.1 mmol•m-2•yr-1, 49.8 mmol•m-2•yr-1, 47.3 mmol•m-2•yr-1, 26.0 mmol•m-2•yr-1 and 19.2 mmol•m-2•yr-1, respectively. There are high deposition levels of SO42-, Ca2+, H+, and low level of NO3- in Zunyi compared with other regions in China. TIN (Total Inorganic Nitrogen including NH4+ -N, NO3- -N, and NO2- -N) wet deposition was 45.7 mmol•m-2•yr-1, with NH4+ -N and NO3- -N contributing 57.0% and 41.9% respectively. The high TIN mainly is attributed to the adequate application of nitrogen fertilizer and the emission of nitrogen oxides by factories. The wet deposition of nutrition P was low with 1.97 mmol•m-2•yr-1. The wet deposition of organic acid accounted for 6%, thus the contribution of organic acids to acid deposition can’t be ignored. Based on Henry’s Law, we estimated the total wet deposition of the volatile organic acids including formic, acetic, and propionic acids accounted for 52.8% of the total deposition, suggesting the importance of wet and dry deposition in Zunyi. Consequently, not only precipitation samples, but also gas samples should be collected when we research the impact of organic pollutants on environment.
GB/T 7714
江伟. 贵州省遵义市大气降水中有机和无机地球化学特征研究[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2008.
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