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其他题名Research of boron isotope in ocean bio-carbonates and its application
关键词硼同位素 同位素分馏 氢氧化镁 吸附 沉积 有孔虫珊瑚 锶同位素
摘要近些年来,利用海洋生物碳酸盐硼同位素重建古海水pH,计算当时大气CO2含量,进而推测古气候的变化已成为国际同位素地球化学界研究的热点问题,被称为δ11B-pH技术。古海水的δ11Bsw是否恒定、B(OH)4−和B(OH)3间理论的硼同位素分馏系数4/3是多少以及碳酸盐的δ11Bcarb是否等于海水B(OH)4−的δ11B4值是该技术成功的三个关键。但到目前为止以上三项问题还没得到完全证实。 为确定方解石的硼同位素组成与海水pH的依赖关系,已进行过大量实验研究。他们的结果与预期的假设一致,支持了B(OH)4-是掺入方解石结构主要形式的假设。但近期 Pagani(2005)指出B(OH)4-也许不是掺入方解石结构的主要形式,B(OH)3也可能同时掺入进碳酸盐。肖应凯等(2006)的无机碳酸盐沉积实验发现碳酸盐沉积和母液间的硼同位素分馏系数大于1的异常现象,认为碳酸钙中镁或其它微量元素的存在是重要原因,推断这是在高pH生成Mg(OH)2沉积后11B优先掺入的缘故,推断有B(OH)3掺入碳酸盐的可能。 以前进行的沉积实验,只考虑到碳酸钙本身,确实证明了硼只以或主要以B(OH)4-参与进生物碳酸钙。但天然的海洋生物碳酸盐含有镁、锶、铁等微量元素,这些微量元素的存在可能会改变硼的参与行为,从而对硼同位素分馏产生影响。现代珊瑚礁中水镁石普遍存在,这是否会影响珊瑚的硼同位素组成而导致δ11B-pH技术的误差还值得研究。 针对以上问题,主要对硼掺入进Mg(OH)2的形式及分馏机理,现代珊瑚中镁、锶等微量元素与硼浓度及硼同位素的关系进行研究,并用生物碳酸盐的硼同位素对陆相产出有孔虫的沉积环境进行判别。 通过研究,得到以下几点认识: 1. 在Mg(OH)2从pH9.5~13的含硼合成海水中沉积时,Mg(OH)2沉积11B的变化范围为-1.20‰~28.26‰,高于合成海水的11B (-7.00±0.07‰),沉积和海水间的硼同位素分馏系数固/液变化范围为1.0177~1.0569,平均值为1.0329,这是H3BO3优先掺入的结果,造成11B在Mg(OH)2沉积中富集。 2. Mg(OH)2沉积的硼浓度和硼在Mg(OH)2沉积与滤液间的分配系数Kd的变化范围分别为228.61 g/g~937.79 g/g和9.31~494.20。高pH值时硼掺入Mg(OH)2的过程中吸附作用占有重要位置。 3. Mg(OH)2吸附实验表明,硼掺入Mg(OH)2非常迅速,4 h能达到平衡。平衡后Mg(OH)2中硼浓度[B]固和固相与溶液相间的分配系数Kd随pH设定的升高和固液比的降低而降低。而且最高的[B]固和Kd均远高于硼被金属氧化物或粘土矿物吸附时的对应值,表硼具有很强的掺入Mg(OH)2的能力。 4. 吸附平衡时溶液相的11B液f (-19.2‰~-17.8‰)均低于原始溶液的11B液i (-7.00±0.07‰),计算的Mg(OH)2与平衡溶液间的硼同位素分馏系数固-液变化范围为1.0186~1.0220,平均值为1.0203。这充分表明,硼掺入Mg(OH)2时11B优先进入固相,这是B(OH)3优先掺入的结果。 5. 硼以B(OH)3和B(OH)4-两种形式同时掺入Mg(OH)2,并以B(OH)3优先掺入为主,pH设定越低掺入的B(OH)3比例越高。 6. 硼将通过吸附和与Mg(OH)2的沉淀反应而掺入Mg(OH)2,两者共同决定了Mg(OH)2中硼同位素分馏特征。 7. Ca、Sr、B和Na在珊瑚中均得到富集,而Mg在珊瑚中却是贫化的。珊瑚的B浓度主要不是由这几种元素决定的。 8. 珊瑚δ11Bcarb的变化范围为22.8‰~27.9‰,平均为25.2‰。除与B浓度相关性明显外,珊瑚δ11Bcarb与其它四种元素的相关性不强。北海涠洲岛、灯楼角和三亚三地珊瑚与海水间的分馏系数carb-sw分别为0.9839、0.9847和0.9850。珊瑚与海水B(OH)3间的分馏系数carb-3的变化范围为0.9772~0.9800,平均值为0.9788,随pH升高carb-3减小。珊瑚的平均δ11Bcarb基本位于采用=0.9772时理论计算的δ11B4曲线之上,而且都低于原始合成海水的δ11Bcarb,表明硼是以B(OH)3和B(OH)4-两种形式同时掺入进珊瑚中的,并以B(OH)4-优先掺入为主。 9. 由于B(OH)4- 和B(OH)3同时进入到珊瑚中,d11Bcarb=d11B4的假设不能成立,由所测定生物碳酸盐的δ11Bcarb值计算的海水pH值会产生误差,使δ11B-pH技术变得更为复杂。 10. 实验模拟与自然的真实情况是有差距的,不能完全用实验模拟来代替自然的真实情况。 11.杨户庄剖面的第四纪早期有孔虫的生存环境是非海相环境,不是“海侵”或“海泛”的结果;同时也表明有孔虫并非是特有的海洋生物,它完全可以在陆相环境中存在。
其他摘要In recent years, studies on reconstructing the ancient seawater pH using the isotopic composition of boron in bio-carbonates, calculating the content of CO2, and then conferring the change of ancient climate, have already become the hotspot issues in the international isotope geochemistry community, and is called as the δ11B-pH proxy. Whether the δ11Bsw of ancient seawater is constant, what is the theoretic fractionation factor  between B(OH)4- and B(OH)3,and whether the δ11Bcarb of carbonate is equal to that of B(OH)4- are the three key problems of above technique. Aimed at these problems, the issues increase gradually. A series of inorganic calcite precipitation experiments were carried out in order to determine the dependence of boron isotopic composition of calcite on the pH of seawater. The results of them are consistent with their hypothesis, and support the fundamental assumption that the B(OH)4- is the dominant species incorporated into calcite. However Pagani et al. (2005) evaluated the boron isotope-pH proxy synthetically, and pointed out the B(OH)4- may not be the only species incorporated into carbonate, butB(OH)3 may also incorporates into carbonate.Inorganic calcium carbonate precipitation was carried out experimentally and an unusual isotopic fractionation of boron was found by Xiao ea al. (2006). Xiao estimated that the existence of Mg or other microelements were the main reasons of it, and concluded that the B(OH)3 may incorporate into carbonates, and B(OH)3 enriched in Mg(OH)2. When the former synthetic inorganic calcium carbonate precipitation experiments were carried out, only calcium carbonate was considered and the results did support the fundamental assumption that the B(OH)4- is the only or dominant species incorporated into calcium carbonate. But the natural marine bio-carbonates are not pure calsium carbonate, and Mg, Sr, Fe elements exist in them. The existence of the trace elements may change the behavior of boron and has influence to the boron isotopic fractionation. But the studies of this are very little. The Mg(OH)2 was found in the most of the scleractinian corals, and whether this can influence the boron isotopic composition of corals and then leads to the error of the δ11B-pH proxy is uncertain. Aimed at these issues, the species and fractionation mechanism of boron incorporated into Mg(OH)2, the relationship of Mg, Sr concentration with boron concentration and boron isotopic in modern corals have been studied in this paper. At the same time, the deposition environment of terrestrial foraminifer was studied by using boron isotopic of bio-carbonates. The main conclusions have been summarized as follows: 1. During the deposition of Mg(OH)2 from synthetic seawater at different pH values (9.5~13.0), the 11B of Mg(OH)2 deposit ranges from -1.20‰ to 28.26‰, higher than those of seawater (-7.00±0.07‰). The fractionation factors d/s of them are between 1.0177 and 1.0569 with a mean of 1.0329. This is because H3BO3 incorporates preferentially into Mg(OH)2,and makes 11B be enriched in Mg(OH)2 deposit. 2. The boron concentration of Mg(OH)2 deposit and the partition coefficient Kd between Mg(OH)2 deposit and solution range from 228.61 g/g to 937.79 g/g and from 9.31 to 494.20, respectively. Adsorption is still important to the amount of boron incorporated into Mg(OH)2 at high pH。 3. The incorporation of boron into Mg(OH)2 was very rapid and after 4 h it can reach the equilibrium. The [B]s and the partition coefficient Kd between Mg(OH)2 and final solution decreased with the increasing pH and the decreasing solid to solution ratio. The maximum of [B]s and Kd were much higher than that on metal oxide or clay minerals, indicating that the incorporation capability of boron on Mg(OH)2 was much stronger. 4. When the adsorption reached the equilibrium, all the 11B of solution (-19.2‰~-17.8‰) was lower than that of initial solution (-7.00±0.07‰); The boron isotopic fractionation s-fsw between Mg(OH)2 and final solution was between 1.0186 and 1.0220, with an average of 1.0203. All these indicated that 11B was incorporated into Mg(OH)2 preferentially, caused by B(OH)3 preferential incorporation into Mg(OH)2. 5. Different from the fact that only B(OH)4- species incorporated into bio-carbonate, B(OH)3 and B(OH)4- incorporated into Mg(OH)2 simultaneously, and B(OH)3 incorporated into it preferentially. The lower pH is, the more incorporated fraction of B(OH)3 will be. 6. The existence of adsorption of boron on Mg(OH)2 and the deposition reaction of H3BO3 with Mg(OH)2 at the same time decide the boron concentration and isotopic fractionation character of it. 7. Ca, Sr, B and Na enriched in the corals while Mg is poor in corals. The boron concentration in corals is not mainly decided by these elements. 8. The δ11Bcarb value of corals ranges from 22.8‰ to 27.9‰, with an average value of 25.2‰. Except boron concentration, the δ11Bcarb has weak correlation with other four elements. The fractionation coefficient carb-sw between corals in Beihai, Dengloujiao and Sanya and seawater is 0.9839, 0.9847and 0.9850, respectively. The fractionation coefficient carb-3 between corals and B(OH)3 of seawater ranges from 0.9772 to 0.9800, with an average value 0.9788. The carb-3 decreases with the increasing pH, which indicates B(OH)3 also incorporates into corals with B(OH)4-. When =0.9772 is used, the average δ11Bcarb basically located above the theretical δ11B4 curve, and lower than the δ11Bcarb,indicating that B(OH)3 and B(OH)4- incorporate into corals simultaneously, and B(OH)4- incorpatates into it preferentially. 9. Because B(OH)4- and B(OH)3 incorpatates into corals simultaneously, the hypothesis of d11Bcarb=d11B4 and the pH forum calculated by the δ11Bcarb will be changed, and the δ11B-pH proxy becomes much more complex. 10. Analogue experiment is diffent from natural case, and can not be used to subtitued for natural case completely. 11. The early Quaternary foraminifers in the Yanghuzhuang section inhabited a nonmarine environment and these foraminifers were not the result of a transgression or sea flooding. The foraminifers were not special halobios and can survive in the terrestrial condition.
GB/T 7714
肖军. 海洋生物碳酸盐硼同位素技术研究及其应用[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2009.
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