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其他题名Carbon, Oxygen and Strontium Isotope Records of Devonian Brachiopod Shell Calcite in North and South China
关键词腕足化石 碳同位素 氧同位素 锶同位素
摘要海相碳酸盐岩C、O、Sr 同位素研究是地球化学重要的示踪手段之一。它可以为认识地质历史时期的气候变化,海水原始碳、氧、锶同位素组成,陆地和海洋生物盛衰的长期变化特征,以及碳、氧等元素的外生循环等一些重大的基础学科问题提供重要的依据。研究表明:腕足化石因具有较强抵抗成岩后生作用能力、分布广泛、便于操作等原因被认为是较为理想的研究样品之一。 本论文对来自中国南、北方泥盆纪不同沉积单元腕足化石碳、氧、锶同位素组成进行测试,探讨中国南、北方不同沉积单元腕足化石碳、氧、锶同位素差异。从地球化学角度对我国泥盆纪海平面变化,海洋生物盛衰、陆地风化强度以及构造运动研究进行诠释。 中国泥盆系沉积类型齐全,从南到北,分布着不同构造单元条件下沉积而成的地层。华南泥盆系属地台型稳定沉积类型,四川龙门山地区泥盆系形成于冒地槽构造单元中,而中国北方泥盆系为优地槽活动构造单元的产物。三类构造单元的地壳活动和火山活动不同,生活在其中的腕足壳体碳、氧、锶同位素组成是否存在差异?不同构造单元的海平面变化、海洋生物盛衰以及陆地风化强度是否不同。 研究中通过上述不同沉积单元腕足化石碳、氧、锶同位素组成详细研究,得出以下几点认识: 1) 在腕足化石保存鉴定过程中:微体结构实验显示南、北方剖面腕足化石壳体结构保存完整,有着明显的纤维层和棱柱层结构,但北方剖面腕足化石微裂隙较多,有着不少后期物质充填。在阴极灯照射下,南方剖面腕足化石基本不发光,仅因少量裂隙中后期物质充填有着微弱发光现象存在。北方剖面腕足化石基本上都有着轻微发光现象,尤其内蒙古地区腕足化石。微量元素Fe、Mn、Sr 含量及其Mn/Sr 值表明南、北方剖面腕足化石绝大多数符合腕足保存完好的标准。表明:南方剖面腕足化石保存完好,可以用于的碳、氧、锶同位素组成研究。北方剖面腕足化石保存程度较差,其同位素信息可能遭受成岩蚀变作用的影响,特别是容易遭受蚀变影响的氧同位素组成。 2) 成岩后生作用总是导致碳酸盐岩全岩样品中碳、氧、锶同位素组成发生变化,无法保存原始的同位素信息。腕足化石同碳酸盐岩全岩碳、氧、锶同位素对比表明:碳酸盐岩全岩样品中碳、氧同位素组成都低于腕足化石样品中同位素组成,锶同位素组成正好相反,但在不涉及定量化研究的前提下,碳、锶同位素基本上可以代表着地质历史时期碳、锶同位素变化趋势。也即是说可以利用碳酸盐岩全岩样品进行碳、锶同位素演化趋势研究。至于碳酸盐岩全岩样品中氧同位素组成,低于腕足化石氧同位素组成达 -2‰~-3‰。在目前常用于氧同位素古温度的研究中差异太大。因此,建议不要利用碳酸盐岩全岩样品中氧同位素组成进行古温度研究。 3) 碳同位素组成变化可以指示有机碳的埋藏情况。中国南、北方剖面腕足化石碳同位素研究表明:腕足化石中碳同位素组成基本上在 -2‰ ~ 4‰之间变化,北方剖面较低,南方剖面较高。其碳同位素Locfit 演化对比显示:北方剖面碳同位素演化同华南以及四川龙门山剖面中碳同位素演化有着许多相似之处,表明北方海域有机碳埋藏情况同南方海域有机碳埋藏情形基本一致。分析表明:四川龙门山以及华南剖面泥盆纪时期有着三次有机碳高速埋藏时期,可能受海平面变化以及与之有关的生物繁盛状况共同控制。至于北方剖面碳同位素组成相对较低,一方面可能由于腕足化石保存方面的原因,在成岩蚀变作用影响下北方剖面腕足碳同位素组成较低。另一方面,北方地区较多的火山活动,释放大量含有较多12C 的CO2,融入海水发生同位素交换,导致北方地区碳同位素组成较低。 4) 由于北方剖面存在遭受成岩蚀变作用影响的可能,北方剖面腕足化石壳体氧同位素平均组成(-11.75‰ ~ -21.13‰)明显低于四川龙门山剖面(-5.14‰ ~-7.20‰)、华南剖面(-4.35‰ ~ -10.31‰)氧同位素平均组成,无法对水岩反应控制海洋中氧同位素组成给出肯定的答案。但腕足化石保存完好的四川龙门山剖面和华南剖面氧同位素组成(氧同位素素组成埃姆斯阶为-7.20‰、-7.58‰;吉维特阶-5.62‰、-4.60‰;氟拉斯阶-5.18‰、-4.35‰)显示:优地槽沉积单元的龙门山海域同稳定地台沉积单元的华南海域氧同位素一致,甚至较低,表明水岩反应根本无法控制海洋中氧同位素组成。 5) 四川龙门山剖面下泥盆统埃姆斯阶氧同位素组成为 -9.9‰~-4.5‰,明显低于世界上其他地区同时期腕足化石的氧同位素组成,其差异达 -3‰~-4‰。微量元素Fe、Mn 的演化趋势以及氧同位素演化趋势显示:龙门山海域在埃姆斯阶时期同广阔海域之间海水交流不畅通,其氧同位素组成受淡水河流注入的影响。根据氧同位素古温度计估算(假定古海水δ18O 值为 -3‰SMOW),姆斯阶时期温度高达52℃,远远超过生物所能生存的极限,印证龙门山海域埃姆斯阶氧同位素组成受淡水河流注入的影响。艾菲尔阶~氟拉斯阶,龙门山海域的温度为21℃ ~33℃,表明龙门山海域为典型的低纬地区热带气候。 6) 早泥盆纪时期,锶同位素比值较高,显示风化作用较为强烈;可能是由于加里东造山作用的影响,大量陆地的暴露,促进风化作用的进行。其后,锶同位素组成逐渐降低指示风化作用变弱。锶同位素降低可能由于海底扩展运动造成幔源锶的增加,同时引起海平面上升,引起陆地风化面积的减少,导致风化作用的减弱。幔源锶增加和陆源锶的减少,造成锶同位素比值的不断下降。早泥盆世晚期-中泥盆世,锶同位素组成显示风化作用(强度较低)和构造运动稳定。可能原因为在海平面较高时海侵-海退幅度较小,幔源锶和陆源锶之间达到均衡。中泥盆世后期,锶同位素组成显示:风化作用程度较强。可能由于该时期温度的缓慢上升,导致风化作用加强,陆源锶输入增多引起的。 7) 不同沉积单元腕足化石碳、氧、锶同位素对比表明:局部的区域环境对碳、氧、锶同位素有影响。在考虑利用不同剖面进行地质历史时期某时段碳、氧、锶同位素数据叠加构建完整同位素演化曲线时;对于碳同位素,相同沉积单元条件下,辨别出长时间变化和局部影响时可以应用于同位素演化曲线的构建。而不同沉积单元的碳同位素组成存在差异,不能应用于碳同位素曲线的构建。不同沉积单元氧同位素组成存在较大差异,相同沉积单元的氧同位素组成同样也存在较大差别,表明局部环境对氧同位素组成影响较大,氧同位素曲线的构建最好避免多个剖面的叠加。锶同位素比值,不同沉积单元在长期演化趋势上基本一致,在排除局部环境因素的影响下可以进行多剖面锶同位素演化曲线的构建。
其他摘要Carbon, oxygen and strontium isotopes in marine carbonate is an important proxy in eochemical research. It supplies the key evidences to realize the fatal scientific problems, such as climatic change; the original carbon, oxygen and strontium isotopic signals in seawater; secular variation of life-form vicissitude in ocean and land; and exogenic cycles of carbon and oxygen isotope. The results showed that brachiopod fossil shells was considered one of perfect samples because of the resistant of diagenesis, widely distributed and convenient operation. In this study, brachiopod fossil shells from different sedimentary units in north and south China were analysed for δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr. To investigate the differences of δ13C, δ18O, and 87Sr/86Sr records between north and south China, and interpret sea level change, marine life-form vicissitude, intensity of weather and tectonic action. In China, different strata were distributed in different sedimentary units from north to south in Devonian: south China was belonged to stable platform depositon,Longmen Mountain Sichuan was formed in miogeosyncline and north China was the outcome of eugeosyncline. Tectonic movement and volcanic activity were different between north and south China, whether were the discrepancy existed for δ13C, δ18O,and 87Sr/86Sr records of brachiopod shells, and were the differences existed for the sea level change, the life-form vicissitude and the intensity of weather. Devonian brachiopod shells from north and south China were analysed for δ13C,δ18O, and 87Sr/86Sr records. The samples were screened for diagenetic alteration by the means optical microscope, cathodoluminescence and trace elements(Mn, Sr and Fe)contents. Some conclusions have beed received. 1) In the preservation experiments of brachiopod fossil shells: the microstructure of brachiopod fossil shells from north and south China were both completely, and have obviously fibrous layer and prismatic layer. But there were more microfissure which were filled by late substances in brachiopod fossil shells from north China. On the cathoduluminecscence, the brachiopod fossil shells from south China were almost non-luminescent besides of some shells with weak light because the late substances filled in the microfissure. Compared with south China, brachiopod fossil shells from north China have more weak light, especially for Neimenggu. The trace element contents showed the brachiopod fossil shells were preserved well. The results of preservement experiment showed brachiopod fossil shells from south China preserved well and brachiopod fossil shells from north China preserved worse. It will be affect the study of original isotopic signature, especially for oxygen isotope. 2) Because of the resetting of diagenesis, the δ13C, δ18O, and 87Sr/86Sr records of carbonate always changed. The comparison between carbonate whole rocks and brachiopod fossil shells showed: the δ13C and δ18O records of carbornate whole rocks were more nagetive than those values of brachiopod fossil shells, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios were inverse. But on the condition that don’t refer to the quantity study, the δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr values of carbonate whole rocks can be utilized to study the secular variation.But as for oxygen isotope, the difference is -2‰ ~ -3‰ between carbonate whole rocks and brachiopod fossil shells, it is so large for study the paleotemperature. 3) The carbon isotopic trend is a good proxy for the change of organic carbon burial rate. The results of carbon isotope showed that δ13C value were -2‰ ~ 4‰,and north China is more negative. The locfit curve of carbon isotope displayed it was similar for organic carbon burial rate between north and south China. In south China, three high-speed organic carbon burial rate were ascertained which was the results of the sea level change and the life-form vicissitude. In north China, the lower δ13C value may be caused by the diagenesis and the CO2 which was released in the volcanic activity. 4) Because of the affection of diagenesis, the δ18O values (-11.75‰ ~ -21.13‰)which came from north China was more negative than south China’s(Sichuan: -5.14‰~ -7.20‰, South China: -4.35‰ ~ -10.31‰). This results couldn’t supplied the definite key to whether the water-rock interaction control the δ18O values of the sea water. But the comparison the δ18O values between Sichuan and South China(Emsian:-7.20‰、-7.58‰, Gevetian: -5.62‰、-4.60‰, Frasnian: -5.18‰、-4.35‰), the δ18O values of miogeosyncline is consistent or even less than the δ18O values of stable paltform, showed that water-rock interaction couldn’t control the δ18O values of seawater. 5) The δ18O values (-9.9‰~-4.5‰) of Sichuan Longmenshan was obviously lower than the δ18O values of other area in the world, the discrepany was so large(-3‰~-4‰) in Emsian. The trend of trace element Mn , Fe and the evolution of the δ18O values showed: the seawater circulation in the Longmenshan was unsmooth,and it’s δ18O value was desalinized by the input of continental fresh water. According to the oxygen isotope thermometer calculate, the temperature of Longmen ocean was 52℃ in Emsian, it is a fatal to life-form. It is evidence for the δ18O values in Emsian was affected by the input of continental fresh water. From Eifilian to Frasnian, the temperature was 21℃ ~ 33℃, was a typical weather of tropical. 6) In early Devonian, high 87Sr/86Sr ratio showed that weather was intense.Maybe it was affected by Caledonian orogeny. More land was exposed which was beneficial to the weathering. And then 87Sr/86Sr ratio was declined showed that weather was weak. The reasons of low 87Sr/86Sr ratio were1) seafloor spreading bring more strontiun from mantle which was rich 86Sr, and 2) More land was flood because of the rise of sea level caused weather weaken. From late early Devonian to middle Devonian, the constant 87Sr/86Sr ratio showed the low weather and tectonic activity was stable. Late middle Devonian, the increasing of 87Sr/86Sr ratio showed weather was enhanced because of the increasing of temperature. 7) The comparison of δ13C, δ18O, and 87Sr/86Sr records from different sedimentary units showed: δ13C, δ18O, and 87Sr/86Sr records was affected by local area environment. When the study utilize the data which is gotten from different section to compile the whole curve, some points should be cautioned: carbon isotope could be used when distinguished the secular change or local area affection in the same sedimentary units and couldn't be used in the different sedimentary unit. Oxygen isotope, no matter what the same sedimentary unit or different sedimentary unit, can’t used to construct the evolutional curve. And 87Sr/86Sr ratios which was not affected by local area environment could be utilized to construct the evolution curve.
GB/T 7714
程红光. 中国南北方泥盆纪腕足化石碳、氧、锶同位素研究[D]. 地球化学研究所. 中国科学院地球化学研究所,2008.
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