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关键词地表侵蚀 水土流失 地貌演化 碳循环 宇宙核素
摘要陆地硅酸盐矿物化学风化与成土过程消耗大气和土壤中的CO2,并不断释放植物所需Si等营养元素,维持着陆地生态和水生生态系统的运行,最终导致全球大气CO2通量和碳循环的变化。大陆岩石风化的产物一部分以溶解态或颗粒态被河流搬运进入海洋,在地质演化时间尺度上影响海水物质组成,并构成地球物质演化过程的一个关键环节。同时风化产物中的大部分将在原地堆积形成土壤,为全球生物圈的健康发育和人类社会发展提供必须的物质基础。风化作用是全球物质和能量循环的重要方式和环节,也是地表关键带研究中亟需了解的基础过程。在宏观时间尺度内,硅酸盐矿物风化产生净碳汇,而花岗岩是主要的硅酸盐矿物来源之一。剥蚀速率是物理侵蚀和化学风化的总和。因此,明确各种内外部因素对风化过程的影响,定量研究不同气候条件下花岗岩风化壳的剥蚀速率可以为评价气候对地表侵蚀,水土流失的影响提供背景参考值,为估算风化过程对气候变化贡献量提供基础数据。对长期碳循环和全球气候变化以及现代农业、水文管理具有重要的指示意义。从地球系统科学角度来看,定量研究地表侵蚀速率也是理解地质过程的关键,是地球系统科学研究的的重要内容。 我国幅员辽阔,南北跨50多个纬度,东西越60多个经度,加之地形复杂,高差悬殊。我国具有多种多样的气候类型。对比不同气候带花岗岩风化壳的风化速率可以更进一步直接认识气候对风化作用的影响。自上世纪80年代以来,加速器质谱分析技术的发展使宇宙成因核素在地表过程研究中的得到广泛应用。宇宙成因核素产生于宇宙射线粒子与地表岩石或土壤中原子的核反应。常见有3He、10Be、14C、26Al和36Cl等。作为最常用的核素对,石英中26Al和10Be适合于定量研究地表剥蚀速率和暴露年龄。宇宙成因核素生成率随深度呈指数衰减,其浓度是暴露时间t和剥蚀速率ε的函数。10Be和26Al反映的是长时间尺度(103?105 a)的剥蚀速率。 本文以花岗岩风化壳为主要研究对象,从2011年7月年到2013年4月从北到南选取受季风影响5个气候带(寒温带、中温带、暖温带、亚热带、热带)的6个地区典型的花岗岩风化壳进行采样。然后,在我们实验室建立了宇宙成因核素10Be、26Al的前处理流程。条件实验表明该流程可以满足加速器质谱仪对样品测试的要求。整个前处理流程本底值很低,达到10-15。在石英提纯步骤中,样品按照不同性质有选择性的进行磁选和重液提取;然后进行氢氟酸刻蚀,去掉样品中的长石以及石英矿物表面大气宇宙成因核素;化学萃取流程在借鉴苏格兰大学环境研究中心宇宙成因核素实验室的基础上进行优化,并在课题组超净室中操作完成。根据海拔高度和纬度计算出不同剖面宇宙成因核素10Be、26Al地表生成率,通过测定剖面上不同深度样品中石英的宇宙成因核素26Al和10Be的含量并利用卡方最优拟合使理论值与测试结果最相近。还测定基岩和土壤中相关不溶元素的含量来区分物理侵华和化学风化在剥蚀速率中所占的比例。在对宏观时间尺度上花岗岩风化壳剥蚀速率、暴露年龄和影响风化过程的各项因素进行综合的研究后。得到以下主要结论: (1) 在内蒙古、秦皇岛、江西龙南S1剖面上,尤其是坡度大的剖面上(如江西龙南S1剖面),土壤层的生物扰动或土壤蠕滑造成的宇宙成因核素浓度的均匀化使剖面表层原位宇宙成因核素的浓度偏低,可能使河流沉积物10Be法计算所得的地表剥蚀速率的结果偏高。土壤扰动的深度可能与地表植被、生物量以及地形地貌有关。另外,风化壳剖面上半风化层密度的不确定性可能会为研究结果带来较大的误差。而大于3 m的样品,由于核素浓度偏低和介子捕获对核素的产率影响增大可能会增加研究结果的不确定性。 (2) 所有样品的石英中10Be/9Be、26Al/27Al分布范围分别为0.40?6.59×10-13、1.20?20.65×10-13。实验本底值均在10-15。石英样品中10Be、26Al浓度、26Al/10Be值的分布范围分别为2.27?42.1×104 atoms/g、13.2?281.75×104atoms/g、6.06?7.50。假定剖面均达到稳定状态,将样品中核素实际测定值与理论计算值进行卡方最优拟合。结果表明:内蒙古鄂伦春剖面剥蚀速率为31 ±3 m/Ma;吉林长白山剖面剥蚀速率为33±3 m/Ma;秦皇岛剖面剥蚀速率为14±2 m/Ma;山东莱州剖面剥蚀速率为58±6 m/Ma;山东蒙阴剖面剥蚀速率为25±3 m/Ma;江西龙南剖面剥蚀速率分别为S1(坡底)19±3 m/Ma;S2(坡脊)41±4 m/Ma;S3(坡脊)47±4 m/Ma;S4(坡顶)22±3 m/Ma;海南乐东剖面剥蚀速率为59±5 m/Ma;从北到南,除莱州剖面外,不同气候带各研究剖面的剥蚀速率大致呈上升趋势。 (3) 对各剖面暴露时间进行研究,结果表明:内蒙古鄂伦春剖面暴露时间为~0.3 Ma;吉林长白山剖面暴露时间大于0.2 Ma;秦皇岛剖面暴露时间为~0.5 Ma;山东莱州剖面暴露时间为~0.25 Ma;山东蒙阴剖面暴露时间为~0.04 Ma;江西龙南剖面暴露时间为~0.3 Ma;海南乐东剖面暴露时间大于0.5 Ma。 (4) 山东蒙阴剖面暴露基岩剥蚀速率为19±1 m/Ma。低于同区域的风化壳剖面的剥蚀速率25 ±3 m/Ma。由于水在风化过程中具有重要作用,暴露基岩表面水分的快速损失可能是导致其风化速率较低的原因。山东青岛崂山区小流域沉积物石英矿物中10Be的含量相近;乌衣巷12.0±0.37×104 atoms/g、书院水库14.7±0.34×104 atoms/g、上水峪12.6±0.39×104 atoms/g。剥蚀速率分别为47 ±3 m/Ma;40±3 m/Ma;50±4 m/Ma。流域之间差异可能是由于流域面积,平均坡度和人为活动共同影响造成的。 (5) 经过与其他研究结果和研究方法的对比分析,宇宙成因核素深度剖面法在对长期剥蚀速率研究中具有可定量研究的优势。对比所有剖面的外部影响因素表明:在长时间尺度内(104?106a),温度和降雨量作为主要的外部影响因素对花岗岩风化壳长期的剥蚀速率影响不明显;地形和构造可能是控制花岗岩风化壳剥蚀特征的主要因素。作为地形和构造对剥蚀作用的直接体现的参数,坡度与剥蚀速率的相关性较高;另外,经过与短期的物理侵蚀和风化速率的研究对比,人类活动可能已经成为最主要的外部影响因素,加速了地表的剥蚀过程。 在将来的研究,多学科 (生态学、土壤学、水文学、地球化学、遥感等) 交叉和渗透、多种研究方法(宇宙成因核素沉积物、基岩、深度剖面法与铀系不平衡、碳酸盐36Cl法、同位素比值法、模型研究等)相结合对流域风化过程综合研究将是地表关键带研究的趋势。这些学科和方法各有所长,经过相互验证,相互补充可以从多时间尺度更深刻全面的认识和理解风化过程与大气圈、水圈、岩石圈、土壤圈和生物圈等各圈层之间的物质循环和相互作用。
其他摘要The weathering of silicate mineral and pedogenic processes consume carbon dioxide, release the fundamental elements (such as Si) that essential to plant,sustain the terrestrial and marine ecosystems and change the flux of atmospheric carbon dioxide and carbon cycle. Part of the product of rock weathering is transported into ocean as solute or particle and change the composition of sea water in geological time scale. This process is one of the key step in evolution of matter in earth. Meanwhile, the rest of product pile up to form soil which supply the basic material to the development of global ecosystem and human society. Weathering is an important part of global material and energy circulation and the basic process need to be understand in critical zone research. In macro time scale, the weathering of silicate mineral generate net carbon sink, and granite is one of the main sources for silicate mineral. Denudation rate is the combine of chemical weathering and physical erosion. Thus, quantify the denudation rate of granite in different climate zone and confirm the effect of internal and external factors on weathering process can provide background value to estimate how climate affect surface erosion and water loss and how much do the weathering process contribute to the climate change. The denudation rate is indicative to long-term carbon cycle, global climate change, and modern agriculture and hydrology management. In the view of Earth System Science, quantifying the surface denudation rate is the important content in Earth System Science and critical to understand geological process. China has massive land,cross about 50 latitudes and 60 longitudes. There are complicated landform and large difference in elevation which lead to many kinds of climate types. By the comparation of weathering rates in different climate zones,the knowledge of climate effect on weathering will be deepen. Since 1980s,the development of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry technology make the cosmogenic nuclides widely applicated on earth surface process. Cosmogenic nuclides are produced by the nuclear reaction between comic ray and surface rock or soil. Familiar ones are 3He, 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 36Cl and so on. As the common nuclides pair, the 26Al, 10Be in quartz is suited to quantify the surface denudation rate and exposure age. The concentration of cosmogenic nuclides decreased exponentially with increasing of soil depth, the concentration is the function of denudation rate ε and exposure time t. in this paper, we focused on the granitic regolith and collected 6 classic granitic regolith profile in five different climate zones (Cold temperate zone, Temperate zone, Warm temperate zone, Subtropical zone and Tropical zone.) form July, 2001 to April, 2013. Then, we established the pretreatment process for cosmogenic nuclides 10Be, 26Al. the conditional experiments proved that the process has met the sample requirement for AMS test. The background value in blank samples is very low and reached 10-15 grade. After that, the samples are etched by diluted hydrofluoric acid to remove feldspar and the meteoric cosmogenic nuclides absorbed on quartz surface. The chemical extraction process is based on the procedures manual in Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre and operated in our clean room. The production rates of 10Be, 26Al in different site were calculated by the elevation and latitude. The concentration of 26Al, 10Be and the insoluble elements were computed to get the denudation rate by Chi-square best-fitting method in depth profile and divide the denudation rate into chemical weathering rate and physical erosion rate. Several important conclusions have been drawn as follows: (1) Bioturbation in soil or soil creeping may homogenize the top layer in profile and lower the cosmogenic nuclides concentration. This phenomenon is obvious in some profiles, especially in steep sites (such as JLN-S1). The denudation rate deduced from river sediment 10Be which derive from soil surface maybe overestimated. The impact extent of Bioturbation may have something to do with land cover, local biomass and landform. Moreover, the uncertainty of density in semi regolith may cause additional error; and the sample with greater depth than ~3m may increase the uncertainty to the result due to the low nuclides concentrations and the enlargement of muon capture contribution to nuclides production. (2) The distribution of 10Be/9Be、26Al/27Al ratios are 0.40?6.59×10-13, 1.20?20.65×10-13. The background value is on 1015 grade. The concentration of in-situ cosmogenic nuclides 26Al, 10Be and 26Al/10Be ratios in the samples ranges 2.27?42.1×104 atoms/g, 13.2?281.75×104atoms/g, 6.06?7.50, respectively. The results determinated from Chi-square method show that: the denudation rates in profiles NMG, CBS, QHD, LZ, MY, JLN-S1, JLN-S2, JLN-S3, JLN-S4 and HN are 31±3 m/Ma, 33±3 m/Ma, 14±2 m/Ma, 58±6 m/Ma, 25±3 m/Ma, 19±3 m/Ma, 41±4 m/Ma, 47±4 m/Ma, 22±3 m/Ma and 59±5 m/Ma, respectively. The denudation rates of each profile in different climate zones has a little upward trend from north to south. (3) The results of exposure time shows that: the exposure time are ~0.3 Ma, >0.2 Ma, ~0.5 Ma, 0.25 Ma, ~0.04 Ma, ~0.3 Ma and >0.5 Ma for profiles NMG, CBS, QHD, LZ, MY, JLN-S1 and HN, respectively. (4) The denudation rate is 17±2 m/Ma in the MY outcrop, which is lower than the near granitic regolith profile. For the important role of water that plays on weathering process, the fast loss of water on outcrop surface may lead to lower denudation rate. The 10Be concentration in sediment samples which is from Laoshan in Qingdao city, Shandong province is obtained, Wuyixiang 12.0±0.37×104 atoms/g, Shuyuan Reservoir 14.7±0.34×104 atoms/g, Shangshuiyu 12.6±0.39×104 atoms/g. The denudation rates are 47±3 m/Ma, 40±3 m/Ma, 50±4 m/Ma, respectively. The variance may due to the difference in drainage area, mean slope gradient and human activity. The bioturbation or parent rock may explain the higher rate than granitic regolith. (5) Compared with other method about measuring weathering rate, the cosmogenic nuclide depth profile method is more reliable in the study of long term denudation rate. As a key external factor, Climate didn’t have obvious effect on long term granitic regolith denudation rate. The landform and tectonic activities may be the main factor which control the evolution on granitic regolith. The slope gradient is the external expression of landform and tectonic activities and has a higher correlation with denudation rate. In additional, compared with modern denudation rate, the human activity has been the most external factor and accelerate the surface denudation process. In the future, Multidisciplinary approach(such as biology, soil science, hydrology, geochemistry, remote sensing) and multi-method combination (10Be in sediment and outcrops, cosmogenic nuclides depth profile, U-series, 36Cl in carbonate, isotopes ratio, model research etc.) will be the trend to comprehensive study weathering process and critical zone. These objects and method has their advantages and can inspect and verify each other to profound understand the material cycle and interaction among weathering process and atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, pedosphere and biosphere in multiple time scales.
GB/T 7714
崔丽峰. 中国东部花岗岩地区剥蚀速率:宇宙成因核素10Be、26Al的研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2014.
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