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Geochemistry of eclogites from the Dabie–Sulu terrane, eastern China: New insights into protoliths and trace element behaviour during UHP metamorphism
Hong-Feng Tang; Cong-Qiang Liu; Shun'ichi Nakai; Yuji Orihashi
Source PublicationLithos
KeywordTrace Elements Uhp Metamorphism Protolith Eclogite Dabie–sulu Terrane
Indexed BySCI
Document Type期刊论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Hong-Feng Tang,Cong-Qiang Liu,Shun'ichi Nakai,等. Geochemistry of eclogites from the Dabie–Sulu terrane, eastern China: New insights into protoliths and trace element behaviour during UHP metamorphism[J]. Lithos,2007,95(3-4):441-457.
APA Hong-Feng Tang,Cong-Qiang Liu,Shun'ichi Nakai,&Yuji Orihashi.(2007).Geochemistry of eclogites from the Dabie–Sulu terrane, eastern China: New insights into protoliths and trace element behaviour during UHP metamorphism.Lithos,95(3-4),441-457.
MLA Hong-Feng Tang,et al."Geochemistry of eclogites from the Dabie–Sulu terrane, eastern China: New insights into protoliths and trace element behaviour during UHP metamorphism".Lithos 95.3-4(2007):441-457.
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